Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia & Learning Disability


This Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia & Learning Disability online training module provides essential knowledge on mental health conditions, dementia, and learning disabilities. It covers key influences, legal frameworks, and best practices for patient care and support. Upon completion, learners will receive a certificate of completion.
- Duration: Approximately 1 hour

- CPD Points: 1

- Access Period: 6 months from the date of purchase

- Certification: Certificate of Completion provided
This course is designed for:

- Healthcare professionals, including nurses, midwives, and care staff

- Support workers in healthcare and social care settings

- Anyone seeking to improve their understanding of mental health, dementia, and learning disabilities
This module covers the following topics:

1. Key Influences & Reports
- Winterbourne View
- Mid Staffordshire Enquiry
- Francis Report
- Cheshire West Supreme Court Ruling
- Relevant Legislation

2. Understanding Mental Health Conditions
- Depression
- Bi-Polar Disorder
- Anxiety
- Psychosis

3. Dementia & Learning Disabilities
- Importance of early detection
- Planning treatment and support
- Social Model of Disability
- Barriers to Disability
- Positive Behaviour Support Planning
- Person-Centred Care

4. Legal & Ethical Considerations
- Advocacy (IMCA & IMHA)
- Patient Rights
- Advance Decisions & Statements
- Safeguarding & Capacity

5. Best Practices & Frameworks
- WRAP Planning
- Kings Fund
- Safewards Project
- Reporting Concerns & Recording Information
By completing this course, learners will:

1. Understand the key influences on mental health, dementia, and learning disability care.

2. Be aware of relevant legal frameworks and regulations.

3. Recognize common mental health conditions and their impact.

4. Understand the fundamentals of dementia and learning disabilities.

5. Gain insight into best practices for patient care and support.

6. Understand the role of IMHA and IMCA advocates.

7. Learn about safeguarding, capacity, and patient rights.
This course aligns with the Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) and meets the requirements for CPD accreditation. It also supports compliance with:

- NHS & CQC guidelines for mental health, dementia, and learning disabilities care
- Health and Social Care Act 2008
- Mental Capacity Act 2005 & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
- Safeguarding Adults & Children standards

Nursing and Midwifery Council (CPD Points)

- CPD Requirement: 35 hours within three years for revalidation
- Participatory Learning: At least 20 out of 35 hours should involve interaction with other professionals


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